"Corporate Climate Reporting: Key Standards and Guidelines" is a short course designed to:

  1. raise awareness about the impact of climate change on organisations, including physical and transition risks, as well as opportunities arising from transition to a low-carbon economy and the need for decarbonization and energy transition;

  2. provide historical overview of the main drivers for climate reporting and the importance/benefits of climate disclosures for organisations;

  3. navigate through the complex ecosystem of sustainability and climate reporting, including multiple standards and guidelines for reporting and disclosures;

  4. inform on the recent trends in climate reporting including convergence of standards and emergence of climate-related financial reporting;

  5. provide guidance on climate disclosures, tracking greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, setting GHG targets and climate risk management and governance.

For anyone who would like to dive deeper into the subject, we provide the links of additional free resources for each topic or regulation.

Student Reviews

What you will learn

  • Climate-related risks and opportunities and importance of climate reporting

  • Overview of the climate reporting ecosystem and the drivers for climate reporting

  • Introduction to the key climate reporting standards and guidelines, including SDGs, GRI, GHGp, SBTi, TCFD, ISSB

  • Latest trends in climate reporting including convergence of standards, financial and mandatory reporting

Watch what we cover in this course

Course curriculum

    1. Importance of Climate Reporting

    2. Sustainability and Climate Reporting Ecosystem

    3. Sustainabilty Reporting and UN Sustainable Development Goals

    4. ESG and Climate Reporting Challenges

    5. Key Drivers for Climate Reporting

    6. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

    7. Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHDp)

    8. The Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) and Net Zero Standard

    9. Standards driven by demands of investors, lenders and underwriters - IIGCC, IIRC, SASB, VRF, CDSB

    10. Regulatory developments & standards convergence: Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) & Better Alignment Project

    11. Move towards mandatory financial reporting and IFRS' International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)

    12. Corporate Climate Reporting - Module Wrap-up

    13. ESG Reporting Update

    1. Test your learning

    2. Handout slides

    3. Additional resources

    1. Your Suggestions for Impovement and New Topics for Courses

    2. Course wrap-up

About this course

  • £49.99
  • 20 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Who this course is for

  • Leaders and managers who want the understand the impact of climate change on their organisation and get an overview of the climate-related reporting

  • Professionals involved in corporate development and strategy, corporate reporting and audit who want to improve their knowledge of climate disclosure requirements

  • ESG professionals who need to get started with climate reporting

  • Financial services professionals tasked with the decarbonisation of their portfolios of assets

  • Management consultants who are considering transition to climate change advisory

  • Anyone who has interest in climate change, decarbonisation, risk management and business strategy

Why don't you get access to all courses?

  • £179.99

    Full access to all courses

    This bundle includes all Climate Change and Sustainability courses available on this website.

    The programme covers:

    👉 the history and politics of climate change negotiations, including key climate agreements and the latest developments such as Inflation Reduction Act in the US and Green Deal Industrial Plan in Europe,

    👉 decarbonisation and energy transition, key technologies (renewables, nuclear power, hydrogen, carbon capture and utilisation, long duration storage, etc),

    👉 transport and heavy industry decarbonisation,

    👉 climate and ESG reporting (including introduction to key climate reporting regulations and guidelines, including TCFD, GRI, SBTi and ISSB, deep dive into EU Taxonomy and overview of other EU regulations such as NFRD, SFDR and CSRD,

    👉 net zero strategies and GHG reduction,

    👉 circular economy,

    👉 business case for corporate sustainability, ESG risks and opportunities, sustainable development, sustainability certifications,

    👉 blockchain applications in climate change, and much more.

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